RhySearch fördert Innovation durch Vernetzung und Wissenstransfer zwischen regionalen Hightech-Unternehmen und Forschungsinstitutionen – auch für Hilti.
Dr. Andreas Bong,
Head Corporate Research & Technology Hilti AG
Long Cheng1,3, Valentin Holzwarth2 , and Andreas Kunz3
Video see-through (VST) cameras, integrated in virtual reality (VR) headsets, offer a convenient means to bridge the real world and virtual objects. However, performing tasks within a VST system can deviate from real-world experiences. In this study, we assess the technical specifications of a commercially available consumer-grade virtual reality headset and investigate user performance across various tasks within a VST environment using a pilot user study and the prism adaptation method. Tasks include object relocation, drinking, screwing, and typing on a physical tablet. Our findings reveal a decline in performance for tasks requiring close-range interaction and screenbased operations, accompanied by a user adaptability to the studied tasks. We also note mild motion sickness symptoms but find no discernible aftereffects associated with the tasks examined.
Keywords: Mixed reality, Human factor study, Human adaptation, Virtual reality
1RhySearch, Buchs, 9470, Switzerland
2Atlas VR, Schlieren, 8952, Switzerland
3ETH Zurich, Zurich, 8092, Switzerland
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