
RhySearch fördert Innovation durch Vernetzung und Wissenstransfer zwischen regionalen Hightech-Unternehmen und Forschungsinstitutionen – auch für Hilti.

Dr. Andreas Bong,
Head Corporate Research & Technology Hilti AG

Hybrid laser and subtractive machining of reaction bonded silicon carbide

M. Groeb1 , R. Catrin1 , J. Groeb2

Published: March 15, 2023

The use of high-performance materials such as technical ceramics is rapidly increasing, as these materials have many advantageous properties. The high hardness, high resistance to chemical and abrasive wear, high young’s modulus and low weight are proving their use in creating complex, more precise and efficient machinery and mechanisms. The high hardness coupled with the low surface energy make mechanical finishing of these materials highly time consuming and therefore expensive. In this study, reaction bonded silicon carbide (RB-SiC) is pre-machined with an ultra-short pulse laser to create periodic fracture zones, enabling higher material removal modes. Finishing is performed in a ductile cutting regime, leading to better surface finishes, less breakouts and tighter tolerance control. For this, several experiments based on a Design of Experiments plan are undertaken, varying the pulse energy, dwell time of the laser, but also the cutting parameters of the milling tool such as median chip thickness and cutting speed. During the experiments, the specific cutting energy was monitored via a dynamometer. After the cutting trials, the surfaces were analysed via white light interferometry. A significant reduction in the specific cutting energy with laser pre-damage was achieved.

1RhySearch, Werdenbergstr. 4, 9471 Buchs, Switzerland 
2Independent Researcher, Darmstadt, Germany

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