
Impressions Technologietag'24

On 11 June 2024, RhySearch had the pleasure of co-hosting the OST Technology Day'24 alongside the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) and the Switzerland Innovation Park OST.

In addition to the presentation of SATW's Technology Outlook, insights into OST research work, presentations by industry partners and RhySearch researchers on the topics of advanced manufacturing and materials, digital twins, robotics, sustainability, environment and energy as well as artificial intelligence and sensor technology made for an entertaining afternoon.

The event was rounded off with a keynote speech by Mirko Kovac, Head of the Aerial Robotics Laboratory at Imperial College London and the Laboratory of Sustainability Robotics at Empa and EPFL.

Weitere News

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Baumöl, die neue Rektorin unseres Kooperationspartners Universität Liechtenstein, informierte sich bei einem Besuch über unser Angebot in den Forschungsbereichen Optische…

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«Wenn man dem Glück nachjagt, wird man es nicht finden.» Das sagt einer, der es wissen muss: Prof. Dr. Peter A. Gloor forscht am Center for Collective Intelligence am weltberühmten MIT (Massachusetts…

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Am Montag, 24.8.2020 durften wir uns über den Besuch von Schülerinnen und Schülern der Oberstufe Grabs freuen, die sich im Rahmen der Berufswahltage bei RhySearch über mögliche Berufe im…

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Annual Report 2019

Applied research and innovation are in our DNA. In 2019 we have again taken many milestones on the way to our goal of becoming a nationally and internationally visible research institute in our key…

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